- TDPhiMa 3: Philosophical and Linguistic Approaches to Computational Mathematics (with Bernhard Fisseni, Juan Luis Gastaldi, Deniz Sarikaya and Bernhard Schröder), Essen, 7-8|09|22
- HHU Summerschool “Philosophy of Mathematics Beyond the Armchair?!” (with Paul Hasselkuß, Deniz Sarikaya), Düsseldorf, 22-26|08|22
- Text-Driven Approaches to the Philosophy of Mathematics (TDPhiMa 2) (with Bernhard Fisseni, Deniz Sarikaya, Bernhard Schröder), Duisburg Essen (online), 01-03|09|21
- Mathematics and the dialogue: a symposium (with Benjamin Wilck), at People, Places, Practices: Joint BSHM – CSHPM/SCHPM Conference, St Andrews, 12-14|07|21, videos of the talks by Yacin Hamami, Benjamin Wilck and me
- World Logic Day 2021: Logic & Phil of Math in the evening* (*CET), (with Deniz Sarikaya), online meeting, 14|01|21
- Novembertagung 2020: Axiomatics: Ancient and Contemporary Perspectives (with Paul Hasselkuß, Tiago Hirth, Deniz Sarikaya, Tobias Schütz, Anna Kiel Steensen and Benjamin Wilck), online meeting, 26-28|11|20
- Novembertagung 2019: Mathematical Cultures, Values and Norms (with Gatien Ricotier (Chair), Paul Hasselkuß, Tiago Hirth, Rosie Lev-Halutz, Nicolas Michel and Benjamin Wilck), Strasbourg, 31|10 – 02|11|19
- TDPhiMa – Text-driven Approaches to the Philosophy of Mathematics (with Carolin Antos and Deniz Sarikaya), contributed symposium at CLMPST, Prague, 05-10|08|19
- Set Theory: Bridging Mathematics and Philosopy (with Carolin Antos, Neil Barton and Daniel Kuby), Konstanz, 29-31|07|19
- FOMUS – Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations and Set Theory (with Balthasar Grabmayr, Lukas Kühne and Deniz Sarikaya), Bielefeld, 18-23|07|16
- Unfehlbarkeit durch Formalismus? (with Simon Blessenohl, Lukas Kühne and Deniz Sarikaya), Bonn, 13-15|03|15